In February 2024, students from St. Pölten UAS travelled to Finland to participate in the Erasmus Blended Intensive Programme „Child & Play & Peer Interaction“ hosted at Jamk University of Applied Sciences in Jyväskylä. During the week of the programme, the students from different countries and backgrounds not only worked on case studies, but also strenghtened the transnational cooperation of E³UDRES² partners St. Pölten UAS and Jamk UAS.
For the first time, students from the 5th semester of the Bachelor's degree programme in Physiotherapy at St. Pölten UAS took part in this Blended Intensive Programme. They were accompanied by Manuela Kisiel, lecturer on the physiotherapy degree programme. Together with other students from Sweden, Belgium and Finland, the students familiarised themselves with the RALLA assessment for observing and evaluating play and peer interaction skills in children aged 2-7 years. The application was put into practice in the context of case studies. Next to the educational aspects, participants were also impressed by excursions, for example to the Niilo Mäki Institute and the Valteri Centre. The Niilo Mäki Institute specialises in developing research-based learning and rehabilitation materials to reduce learning disabilities. The Valteri Centre is an inclusive school where children with various visual, hearing or motor impairments receive holistic care.
Digital rehabilitation
Jamk UAS has a focus on digital rehabilitation in the field of health. The students were able to get to know and try out a range of exciting tools and rehabilitation games for use in paediatrics. Lecturer Manuela Kisiel and other staff working on the programme used the week to socialise with colleagues and gain an insight into their work. There was also an exchange of expertise and initial discussions about future collaborations. In addition to learning, the afternoon and evening programme provided lots of opportunities to strenghten international bonds: The students socialised while tobogganing, having a campfire, cooking together and taking a sauna. With the feedback from all participants being very positive, the Blended Intensive Programme will very likely be hosted again in the coming year.
➝ St. Pölten UAS
➝ Jamk UAS