Latest Activities in "Human Contribution to Artificial Intelligence" Research Network

Ever since its launch in 2021, the E³UDRES² research network on "Human Contribution to Artificial Intelligence" has worked on various themes in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Particularly in the last months, a lot of great developments have happened the network: The research group recently submitted a proposal titled “An Extensible Digital Twin Ecosystem for Multi-Sensor Land and Plant Monitoring (TWINSOR)” to the Horizon Europe Call HORIZON-CL6-2023-GOVERNANCE-01-16, reports Torsten Priebe from St. Pölten UAS. The proposal is based on the work done in the E³UDRES²-internal project MultiSens²e , which focuses on the development of a Multi-Sensor Farm Monitoring ecosystem capable of predicting plant diseases earlier than the signs of disease are noticeable.

MultiSens²e aims to establish a system able to predict plant diseases at an early stage.

research is drawing attention

In addition to submitting this proposal, the research group is also engaging in many other activities - one of them being a presentation at this year's "FH Forschungsforum", an event focusing on research at universities of applied sciences, hosted in April at St. Pölten UAS, Austria. MultiSens²e as well as the development process of TWINSOR will be presented at the event to a wide audience of research experts. With particular pride, the network also reports that Torsten Priebe (St. Pölten UAS) and Rui Madeira (Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal) were accepted as guest editors of a special issue of the MDPI Sensors Journal titled “Sensors for Smart Industry and Environment”. Both already look forward to interesting paper submissions, and an e-book with an editorial from both network members might be published in the future.

The E³UDRES² research network on "Human Contribution to Artificial Intelligence" brings together experts from various institutions within the E³UDRES² alliance.


➞ E³UDRES² Research Networks

➞ MultiSens²e

➞ MDPI Special Issue "Sensors for Smart Industry and Environment"


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